Admissions, Tuition, and Financial Aid

St. Bernadette School is a Catholic, parochial, elementary school operated by St. Bernadette Parish. We are devoted to our faith-based mission and challenging our students to grow through an academically rigorous curriculum.

St. Bernadette School does not discriminate on the basis of religion, sex, race, color, or national or ethnic origin in administration of our educational and admission policies.

2025-2026 Tuition Rates

Kindergarten-Eighth Grade

$6,500 per student*

There is a non-refundable $200 registration fee for each K-8 child, and an $85.00 registration fee for each preschool student. All payments are to be made payable to St. Bernadette School. No child will be registered until the Education Fee is paid.






  • T/TH – 8:00am to 11:00 am | $2,370/year

    Child must be 3 years- old by August 15th

    $85 Education Fee per child

  • Child must be 4 years old by August 15th

    M/W/F 8:00am - 11:30am | $2,730/year

    (Optional Th 12:15pm to 2:45pm) | $2,940/year

    $85 Education Fee per child

  • Child must be 4.5 years old by Aug 15th

    Mon - Th 8:00am to 2:15pm | $4,200/year

    Mon - Fri 8:00am to 2:15pm | $5,280/year

    $85 Education Fee per child

    Students enrolling in the full-day program should plan on enrolling in kindergarten for the following school year. Students enrolled in this program participate in the school’s lunch attend a daily related arts class—art, library, physical education, music and technology, participate in two recesses, and have a daily rest time.

    Start date will be in alignment with the day school.

Financial Aid

Financial Assistance is available for families who qualify and varies based on need.

  • The Educational Choice Scholarship (EdChoice) Program provides students from designated public schools the opportunity to attend participating private schools. The program also provides low-income students who are entering kindergarten through 12th grade scholarship opportunities.

    Click here for information on how to apply!

  • To make application for the Angel Fund Scholarship program, please go to the website. Open the Grant/Aid Assessment portal and follow all prompts. You will need to upload your 2023 Tax Return into the system. This submission to FACTS will need to be made by April 1, 2024. FACTS will do the calculated need assessment, which is one of the criteria for this program. The other criteria used will be the completed application(attached), number of siblings in Catholic schools, and your percentage of poverty level (similar to EdChoice). Submissions must be received by April 1, 2024 to accommodate the May 1, 2024 filing deadline with the Diocese of Cleveland. If you have any questions, please contact the Parish Finance Office at 440-734-1300. Thank you.

    Angel Scholarship Application

  • St. Bernadette School uses the FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment to assess a family’s financial need. If you are a current St. Bernadette family using FACTS to make tuition payments, you may complete the FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment form within your existing FACTS account.

    All forms must be completed by May 15, 2023 in order to be considered for the following school year.

    Click here to login.

Questions, please contact Mary Egan in the Parish Office: or 440-734-1300.

New Student Inquiry

Interested in enrolling your child to our school? Fill out the New Student Inquiry Form so we can help gather the information needed. Our Admissions Director will contact you to schedule a private tour of our campus. During the tour we can get to know your family better and find out what you are looking for in a school. We are excited to grow in our community and faith!

Questions? Contact us at (440) 734-7717 or